Rating Reviews

We aim to help developers and teams at the highest level.

In an ongoing effort to ensure we provide the very best experience for our customers, we encourage code authors to submit ratings and provide feedback for the code reviews they receive from our developer network.

Rating reviews is optional, but doing so is the most efficient way of getting our systems acclimated with your team's needs and maximizing feedback that provides the most utility.

How to rate & provide feedback for a code review

Every code review summary includes a footer with links to indicate if the review feedback provided was helpful or not.

Your feedback will be sent as soon as you click Yes or No and you'll then be prompted to rate the review on a scale of 1-5 stars.

After clicking a star rating, you'll be prompted with 3 short questions. Completing these is not required, however we appreciate as much information as you can spare to help us maintain the highest level of service and quality.

Last updated