The PullRequest Reviewer Dashboard

This page contains a description of the Active Reviews list located on the home screen of the PullRequest Reviewer dashboard.

This acts as the "home" screen for the PullRequest Reviewer dashboard.

You can access the My Reviews list page any time by visiting and return by clicking the PullRequest logo in the top-left corner of the screen.

Activity Widget

You'll see estimated earnings in an Activity widget on the upper-left portion the screen. Here you can see the number of unique code review jobs you've submitted to and an estimate of your earnings over 24 hour, last 7 day and last 30 day date ranges.

Earnings estimates are approximations based on PullRequest system resources, not a guarantee of a payment amount. All work logged is subject to frequent audits that may result in adjustments, often for crediting additional time.

"Needs Attention" Table

These code review jobs are the highest priority, and will be listed top-down by relative priority based on PullRequest's classification tools.

These code review jobs that you're assigned and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • You haven't reviewed them yet.

  • The customer has made follow-up fixes or modifications since you last reviewed and they need to be looked at.

  • The customer has replied to your comments or asked you a question.

  • The customer has asked that you take another look at the code.

"Other Reviews" Table

These are code review jobs that you're assigned to, but no changes have been made since you last submitted feedback.


You can un-assign yourself from a code review job at any time by clicking the "un-assign" icon on the far right side of its row.

Will I be penalized for un-assigning myself from reviews? As a PullRequest reviewer, you will never be penalized for un-assigning yourself from a code review job if you believe you don't have the skillset required to complete it and you believe you're a bad fit for the team or the repository. Contact a PullRequest staff member so we can restrict code review jobs from those customers/projects

Since many reviews involve changes or components across an entire stack (ie - GraphQL and Ruby backend changes along with React frontend changes) we encourage you to review and provide feedback for the components you can and let any PullRequest team member know which areas you were not able to review.

This page will list open code review jobs that you're eligible to claim.

Code review jobs are listed top-down by relative priority based on PullRequest's classification tools.

These are code reviews you were assigned to, but pull/merge request has been merged or closed by the customer.

These reviews shouldn't need further attention unless the author requests it, but from time-to-time they may be helpful to reference.

PullRequest attributes Points to reviewers based on a number of code review activities. Here we show the top 10 reviewers based on Points accumulated for the selected date range.

🏆 Earn more Points by reviewing every day and leaving great reviews for customers!

Last updated