Configure GitLab Posting User

Code reviews for your GitLab Self-Managed projects will be posted as a "PullRequest" member of your GitLab team. In order to post code reviews, the user must be created in your GitLab.


The GitLab posting user must be created by an individual on your team with the following administrative permissions:

Creating & Adding the GitLab User

Log into the PullRequest Proxy and click the Configure GitLab button on the home page.

Add Root URL

Paste the root URL of your GitLab Self-Managed instance (this will be whatever domain your team usually uses to access GitLab). Example:


Create Posting User

Log in to your GitLab instance as an administrator and create a new user with the username PullRequest. PullRequest reviewers and systems will use this user to post code review content.

Add Posting User to Projects

Add the PullRequest user to all of the projects/repositories you want code review on. Be sure to grant the user REPORTER access so it's able to post comments.

PullRequest will never write or modify code in your repositories. Read more about how we keep your code and data secure here.

Create GitLab Access Token

Log into GitLab as the PullRequest user you just created.

This may be easier in another browser or in an incognito tab so you can remain logged in as the GitLab owner user.

Open User settings -> Access Tokens. This should be accessible from the following path:


Create a Personal Access Token with the following properties:

Once generated, copy the personal access token to your clipboard and go back to the PullRequest Proxy UI with the GitLab Settings modal open.

Add Posting User to Proxy

Enter PullRequest as the PullRequest Username (or whatever name was used in GitLab).

Make sure the PullRequest Username is spelled exactly as the username of the PullRequest user that was created. We highly recommend "PullRequest" (all one word, PascalCase) to maintain communication consistency.

Add Personal Access Token to Proxy

Paste the Personal Access Token into the modal and click Update.

Verify Connection

Open the Repositories tab in the left sidebar. The repositories the PullRequest GitLab user were added to should appear in a list here.

Last updated