Code Review Statuses
PullRequest Code Review Statuses
When one of your pull or merge requests is sent to the network to get reviewed, we display the fulfillment status in the PullRequest dashboard.
Send to PullRequest
This will be displayed as a blue button. It indicates that the pull or merge request is not currently active in the PullRequest network.
Clicking the button will send it to the PullRequest network to get reviewed.
Sourcing Reviewers
This status will be displayed when:
The pull/merge request has been sent to the PullRequest network.
Our internal team and internal systems have alerted qualified engineers that it's available, but reviewers haven't been assigned to it yet.
Review In Progress
This status will be displayed when:
The pull/merge request has been sent to the PullRequest network.
It has been assigned to a reviewer or a team of reviewers.
The reviewers are currently working on it, but have not posted a review of code yet.
Reviews Submitted
This status will be displayed when:
The pull/merge request has been sent to the PullRequest network and reviewers have posted at least 1 review of the code.
Review submission info & features
Number of reviews submitted
Reviewers are assigned to a pull/merge request as long as it's open, and will likely submit multiple rounds of feedback. This will be indicated by the counter in the status.
When PullRequest last reviewed the code
The "time ago" timestamp next to the status indicates when the code was last reviewed by PullRequest
Notifying reviewers of changes
Below the review submission status is a Notify reviewers of updates link. Clicking this will send notifications to the reviewer(s) assigned that you've made updates and you'd like them to review it again.
PullRequest automatically notifies assigned reviewers:
If you've replied to one of their comments.
If a new commit has outdated one of their comments.
So it's likely the reviewers have already been notified.
An example of when it'd be important to click this link is if changes to another file have been added as part of the the pull/merge request after the code was reviewed by PullRequest.
Last updated