Adding GitLab Projects

This guide includes authorizing your GitLab account with PullRequest, authorizing repositories, and configuring the mechanisms for PullRequest to post review results to pull requests.

Step 1: Connecting your own PullRequest Posting User (if necessary)

Gitlab requires a user account to post inline feedback to merge requests. We have a global user (@PullRequestBot) that we use by default to post comments. However, if your organization has a strict user policy or SAML authentication, you may need to create your own PullRequest "Bot" posting user that PullRequest can use to post your code review feedback.

You may skip this step and proceed to Step 2 if your organization uses the default GitLab authentication because we will be able to add our default posting user.

Create a new PullRequest "Bot" Posting User

In order for PullRequest reviewers to post feedback to your merge requests, a PullRequest posting user must be added to your Group. First, create a new user that will have access to some or all of your projects, ideally with a name like PRBot or PRBot-CompanyName.

We recommend using this avatar for the user's photo to easily distinguish PullRequest review comments from your internal team's comments.

Next, invite the user to join your Group by navigating through Group Information -> Members in the side bar and then, click Invite Members.

In the Username or email address field, search for the newly created bot user and select the Reporter role.

PullRequest requires Reporter access and will need to be added to all of the Projects you'll need code review coverage on. We recommend inviting this bot user to the root-level group so there's no disruption in service if you add or move repositories in the future.

Connect this account to PullRequest

Connect the newly created GitLab bot user account to PullRequest via our OAuth sign-up flow by clicking on "Sign Up with GitLab".

Once the account is connected, please let us know at and we can configure that account to be the one that your code review feedback is posted from.

Step 2: Authorize and Connect

After signing up, you'll be prompted to authorize and connect with a version control hosting provider. Click the GitLab option.

You'll then be asked to authorize your GitLab user account with PullRequest.

Step 3: Select GitLab Group

You'll be prompted with a list of GitLab Groups associated with your GitLab account.

Select the Group you'd like to connect with and click Next.

NOTE: Multiple GitLab Groups can be connected to PullRequest. You can add more later if necessary.

Q: I don't see the Group I'm trying to add. How do I add it?

A: It's likely that the GitLab account used to connect with PullRequest is not an owner. Reach out to a team member with these credentials and ask them to sign up for PullRequest and connect. At that point, Project and Group details should be available to non-owner members in PullRequest.

Step 4: Select GitLab Projects (Repositories)

Next, you'll be prompted to select which GitLab Projects (repositories) you'd like to connect to PullRequest.

You can select multiple Projects within the Group, or All Projects (recommended).

NOTE: If practical, we recommend selecting All Projects as this will also automatically connect future repositories and include a more comprehensive overview of your development activity across all repositories in your GitLab Group in our metrics dashboards.

Connecting repositories to PullRequest will not configure them to be reviewed by engineers in our network. This is a setting that we ask for later. You have full control over which connected repositories you'd like to be reviewed by PullRequest.

Step 5: View Repositories

Repositories should now appear on the PullRequest dashboard page when the GitLab Group is selected from the Organizations drop-down menu at the top-left portion of the screen.

NOTE: This guide contains screenshots from third-party partner interfaces that may be modified without notice. If you have any issues or questions about connecting with PullRequest, please reach out to

Last updated